
New York City Law 7-210, also known as the Sidewalk Liability Law, establishes the responsibility of property owners and other entities for the maintenance and repair of sidewalks adjacent to their properties. In cases where a pedestrian suffers injuries due to a defective sidewalk, determining the liability or duty of the adjoining owner, landlord, neighbor, city agency, or public utility becomes crucial. Expert witness land surveyor Frank S. Ferrantello’s knowledge and expertise play a crucial role in revealing the location and determining the liability in such cases.


Under NYC Law 7-210, property owners are responsible for maintaining the sidewalk adjacent to their property in a reasonably safe condition. This includes repairing any defects, such as cracks, potholes, or uneven surfaces, that could pose a danger to pedestrians. If an injured party can prove that the property owner was negligent in maintaining the sidewalk, they may be entitled to compensation for their injuries.

The Role of Expert Witness Land Survey Frank S. Ferrantello

As an expert witness land surveyor with over 25 years of experience, Frank S. Ferrantello has extensive knowledge and expertise in surveying, mapping, and expert witness testimony. In cases involving sidewalk liability, Ferrantello’s role is to provide accurate and reliable evidence regarding the location of the defect and to determine the liability of the adjoining owner, landlord, neighbor, city agency, or public utility.

Ferrantello’s expertise allows him to:

  1. Conduct Thorough Site Surveys: Using the latest surveying techniques and equipment, Ferrantello accurately surveys the sidewalk and surrounding area to identify and document any defects or hazardous conditions.
  2. Analyze Property Boundaries: Ferrantello’s understanding of property boundaries is essential in determining the responsibility of the adjoining owner, landlord, or neighbor. By examining property records and conducting boundary surveys, he can establish the legal boundaries and determine who is responsible for the maintenance of the sidewalk.
  3. Assess City Agency or Public Utility Involvement: In some cases, the liability for sidewalk defects may fall on a city agency or public utility due to their involvement in construction or maintenance activities. Ferrantello’s expertise allows him to assess the actions of these entities and determine their liability.
  4. Provide Expert Testimony: As an expert witness, Ferrantello presents his findings and expert opinion in court. His testimony helps the judge or jury understand the location of the defect, the responsibilities of the parties involved, and the impact of negligence on the injured party.

Case Example

In a recent case involving a pedestrian who tripped and fell on a cracked and uneven sidewalk, Frank S. Ferrantello’s expertise played a crucial role in determining liability. Ferrantello conducted a thorough site survey, accurately measuring and documenting the location and extent of the defect. He also analyzed property records and conducted boundary surveys to establish the responsibility of the adjoining property owner.

Based on Ferrantello’s findings, it was determined that the property owner had neglected to repair the sidewalk despite being aware of the hazardous condition. Ferrantello’s expert testimony provided vital evidence to support the injured party’s claim and helped secure a favorable outcome in the case.


In cases involving sidewalk liability under NYC Law 7-210, the knowledge and expertise of expert witness land survey Frank S. Ferrantello are invaluable in revealing the location of defects and determining the liability of the adjoining owner, landlord, neighbor, city agency, or public utility. With his extensive experience and accurate surveying techniques, Ferrantello provides essential evidence and expert testimony that can greatly impact the outcome of such cases. Hiring an experienced professional like Frank S. Ferrantello is crucial in ensuring a fair resolution and proper compensation for injured parties in sidewalk liability cases.